AECOSAR is the Spanish Association with the Osteoporosis and Osteoarthritis, aimed at patients with osteoporosis and osteoarthritis at a national level.
In AECOSAR we support patients suffering from osteoarthritis and osteoporosis, promoting early diagnosis and prevention. We disseminate information about these bone pathologies, supporting patients with activities that result in healthy life habits, acting in healthy lifestyles, acting in prevention and improving quality of life.
Since our beginnings we have been committed for up-to-date and useful information and useful information with the aim of making more visible two of the most common bone conditions in Spain.
Arthrose Forum Austria
Arthrose Forum Austria is a private initiative and self-help platform for sufferers. The focus is on osteoarthritis self-management. Those affected should be motivated to stay active and always put together a package of measures (©Blumenstrauss Therapie) for the treatment of osteoarthritis and alleviation of symptoms.
At the same time, Arthrose Forum Austria would like to contribute with appropriate events (webinars, information days, self-help-meetings) and initiatives (osteoarthritis holidays, etc.) to increase motivation for self-management and awareness of osteoarthritis among the public and decision-makers in the healthcare sector.

Association Française de Lutte Anti-Rhumatismale
Was founded in 1928. For more than 80 years, AFLAR has acted to achieve the major objectives of the fight against rheumatism. Raise general awareness to inform about the impacts of such diseases beyond clichés. Carry out a better knowledge on RMDs, their care, their prevention and the state of research. Improve the quality of care by transmitting savoir-faire and ensuring health professionals training. Help patients live better with the disease and be part of the health process. Bring patients to become actors of their own care and implicate them in the reflection about health policies. Allow for equal access to care for each and every patient suffering from RMDs. Make governments and decision-makers fully understand and realize the human, social and economical weight of RMDs. Improve social care and the resources for prevention and research.
The TEPFIT® self-help group was founded in 2015, has more than 7,600 members in 2024 and is growing by almost 1,000 every year.
We support those affected by osteoarthritis, allay fears and provide tips on therapies and surgeries. We are supported by a large network of physicians. In 2022, the non-profit organization ArthroseKompetenzNetzwerk TEPFIT® e.V., called ArthroseFIT for short, was founded.
This organization supplements the activities of the self-help group with information events and campaigns to make information and the latest findings on the following topics available to those affected.
- Osteoarthritis research
- Conservative treatment options
- Surgical treatment options (joint-preserving and joint-replacing)
We also support research projects in the field of osteoarthritis and joint surgery, work across borders and are networked at European level and internationally.

Arthritis Foundation
Since 1948, the Arthritis Foundation has led the fight to conquer arthritis, which now affects nearly 60 million adults and hundreds of thousands of children in the United States as well as their families and loved ones. The Arthritis Foundation is boldly pursuing a cure for America’s #1 cause of disability while championing the fight to conquer arthritis with life-changing science, resources, advocacy and community connections. We envision a world where all people with arthritis are living a life without limits.
Liga Portuguesa contra as Doenças Reumáticas
Established in 1982, the Portuguese League Against Rheumatic Diseases (LPCDR) vision is to reduce the global burden of rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases (RMDs) and to increase the quality of life of people affected by them. Our mission is to empower people with RMDs, contributing to their full integration into society, disseminating information on the nature, prevention, treatment, and social impact of RMDs. Support, Education, Awareness, Advocacy, Collaboration and Research are our core values.

OAFI Foundation
Osteoarthritis Foundation International (OAFI) is the first and only non-profit foundation exclusively for people with osteoarthritis worldwide. Since 2016, it has been leading the fight against osteoarthritis by promoting education, prevention, treatment and research into all aspects of joint health and providing solutions for people suffering from the disease. Based in Barcelona, it works globally to defend patients’ rights and raise awareness of joint health.